Once you have EZNote installed and set up, you can start to use it!
Creating a new blank note:
You create a new blank note by typing the “Hotkey” set for the “New Blank Note” option (the default “Hotkey” is Command-F13, if you want to change it to another key, see the “Setting Up EZNote” chapter above). For this example, you'd hold down the Command key and hit the F13 function key. You should now see a window similar to Figure 3.
Type the text of the note as you would with any text editor, give the note a name so you can easily find it later and save it (by clicking the ”Save” button or selecting “Quit” from the “File” menu).
Copy Selection and Edit:
You can have EZNote automatically copy any selected text in whatever application you are in and bring up the text edit window (Figure 3) to allow you to save (and/or edit) the text as a new note! Just type the “Hotkey” set for the “Copy Selection/Edit” option (the default “Hotkey” is Command-F14, if you want to change it to another key, see the “Setting Up EZNote” chapter above). For this example, you'd hold down the Command key and hit the F14 function key. Any text you have selected in your application should be copied to the clipboard and pasted into the EZNote text edit window.
Figure 3 - Text Entry Window
Getting a note:
You can edit any note by typing the “Hotkey” set for the “Get/Edit Note” option (the default “Hotkey” is Command-F15, if you want to change it to another key, see the “Setting Up EZNote” chapter above). For this example, you'd hold down the Command key and hit the F15 function key. You should now see a window similar to Figure 4.
The left side of the window has an alphabetical listing of all notes within the current category. To change categories, just select an item from the Categories popup menu near the bottom of the window or use the menu options to move from category to category. The right side of the window has the area for editing the notes.
From this window you can change edit the text of any note in any category, search for text, rename, delete or print a note. You can move notes from one category to another (by command-clicking the category menu to move the selected note to the selected Category), etc.
Moving from item to item in the list:
You can move from item to item with the mouse or with the arrow keys. You can also type the first character(s) of an item name to move to it.